Z1 invented
About.comThe Z1 was invented by Konrad Zuse. It was one of the first binary digital computers and a machine that could be controlled through a punch tape, -
MARK I is invented
Encyclopedia BrittanicaThe first computer that did not use plug boards was invented. It was much easier to program than other computers of that time. -
ENIAC Invented
ENIACENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first computer invented. It was built to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory. -
701 was invented
computer hopeIBM's 701 computer was invented. It was the first mass-produced computer and was aslo the first electric computer. -
First long distance dial-up connection proformed
Computer HopeLawrence G. Roberts with MIT performs the first long distant dial-up connection between a TX-2 computer in Massachusetts and Tom Marill with a Q-32 at SDC in California. -
ARPANet was invented
About.comARPANET, is short for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It was a Wide Area Network linking many Universities and research centers It was the beginning of what we consider the Internet today. -
Telenet is introduced
Computer hopeTelenet, a commercial version of ARPANET is introduced. It is considered by some to be the first internet service provider. -
Apple I is invented
Apple I Steve Wazniack invents the Apple I. It is the first fully built consumer computer. -
The Apple Macintosh is introduced
Computer hopeThe Apple Macintosh was introduced. It was one of the first personal computers. -
Windows is introduced
windows 1.0 Windows 1.0 is introduced. It is the first operating system for personal computers. -
The World Wide Web is introduced to the public
Computer HopeTim Berners-Lee introduces the internet to the public. Later that year, he opens the internet to commercial use. -
Windows Internet Explorer is introduced
Computer hope 1995Microsoft Internet Explorer is introduced. It was made in order to compete with Netscape the only popular web browser at the time -
The Ipad is announced
IPADThe Ipad, the first suscessful tablet computer is introduced. It originally was going to be relesed in 2007 but instead was shelved when Apple discovered they could make the same technology in a mobile phone