History of Computers

By jcase17
  • The ABC Computer

    The ABC Computer
    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was invented by a professor and graduate student at Iowa State University. This event was important because it was involved in a legal patent argument. The result was that the computer as a concept was made un-patentable, so computers in general were available for everyone to create.
  • The Williams Tube

    The Williams Tube
    Sir Frederick Williams at Manchester University created the first practical RAM using a cathode-ray tube. This is important because it was the beginning of the use of RAM, which is important for the memory of our computers.
  • IBM 650

    IBM 650
    The IMB 650 magnetic drum calculator became the first mass-produced computer. It sold 450 machines in one year. This event was important because it was the beginning of mass-produced computers, and the computer could also access data much faster than past computers.
  • TX-0

    The first general-purpose, programmable computer was created at MIT. It was tested with various programs, such as showing a movie and 3D tic-tac-toe. This event was important because it was the beginning of computers for common use.
  • The Mouse

    The Mouse
    The computer mouse was invented and patented by Douglas Engelbart. This event was important because it made computers more user-friendly and allowed them to become wider spread and more accessible.
  • Email

    Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson. This event was important because email is used as a major form of communication around the world today.
  • Portable Computer

    Portable Computer
    The first portable computer was invented by Altair. This event was important because it revolutionized the way computers could be used in different places.
  • Macintosh

    Apple invented invented the first Macintosh computer in 1984. It had a GUI and folders, as well as a mouse and keyboard. This event was very important because it was one of the first easily-usable computers. It made computers available to everyone, including the average person.
  • The Internet And World Wide Web

    The Internet And World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created a hypertext system that was the beginning for the internet. This event was very important because it led to the internet, which has changed the world as we know it.
  • Google

    Google was invented by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. This event was important because it revolutionized the accessibility of information.