History of Computers

  • Hewlett-Packard is Founded

    Hewlett-Packard is Founded
    David Packard and Bill Hewlett founded HP in their Garage. They created the 200A Oscillator and sold many to Walt Disney. I picked this event because it was the creation of HP a modern computer company and innovator.
  • The First Collosus is Opperational

    The First Collosus is Opperational
    The first Collosus code breaking computer was operational in Bletchley Park. This was one of the first of a long string of military code breaking computers. This event was important because it proved that computers could be used for more than the conventional calculating.
  • Eniac Improves 1000 Times on It's Counterparts' Speed

    Eniac Improves 1000 Times on It's Counterparts' Speed
    The Eniac computer made by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert improved 1000 times on their contemperaries' speed. With a speed of 5000 operations per second it was the fastest computer of it's time. This is important because it showcased much of what computers could do, it made the market more competetive and caused it to thrive.
  • IBM Makes the First Mass Produced Computer

    IBM Makes the First Mass Produced Computer
    IBM engineered the IBM 650, this magnetic drum calculator established itself as the first mass produced computer. It sold 450 copies in a year. This was important because it paved the way for companies going into commercial computer making rather than just private businesses.
  • The CDC's 6600 Supercomputer Improved speed greatly.

    The CDC's 6600 Supercomputer Improved speed greatly.
    The 6600 had speeds up to 3x it's closest competitors. This was because of it's design with multiple computers all going to the processor. This is important because this was unwillingly one of the first multicore processors.
  • First Work Station Developed

    First Work Station Developed
    Researchers at the Palo Alto research center developed the Alto. This machine was never sold commercially but was given to several universities. Engineers later incorporated it's ideas into other workstations. This event was important because it paved the way for many future workstations.
  • Apple Founded

    Apple Founded
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak develop the Apple 1 in their California garage. This was important because this company became one of the leading computer innovators.
  • First Computer with GUI Released

    First Computer with GUI Released
    Apple releases the Lisa. The first computer with a gui. This was important because it created a widesacle move to gui across the computer market.
  • The World Wide Web Launched

    The World Wide Web Launched
    The World Wide Web was launched to the public on this day. This is important because the internet has vecome a major part of computers and many people buy computers online.
  • Google Is Founded

    Google Is Founded
    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. This is important because Google is the most widely used serach engine on the internet. Google is also a major innovator of technology.