
History of Computers and The Internet

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Z1 Computer In 1936, Konrad Zuse introduced the Z1 computer. This was the first freely programmable computer. The Z1 read instructions from punched tape.
  • IBM 610

    IBM 610
    IBM 610 Auto-PointBetween 1948 and 1957, the IBM was designed by John Lentz. In 1957, it was announced by IBM as the 610 Auto-Point. The cost was $55,000 and only 180 units were produced.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    Floppy DiskIn 1971, the floppy disk was invented by Alan Shugart and IBM. The floppy disk was very popular and was widely used for a number of years. It was invented to be smaller and more flexible than the 8 inch version.
  • Postel Helps Creates First Internet Address Registry

    Postel Helps Creates First Internet Address Registry
    Internet Registry The first Internet Address Registry allowed for IP addresses to be administered along with other crucial Internet functions. The IANA is a department of the ICANN which oversees global IP address allocation, automomous system number allocation, root zone management in the Domain Name System (DNS) and media types.
  • Xerox Alto

    Xerox Alto
    Xerox AltoThe Xerox Alto was developed at Xerox PARC in 1973. It was the first computer to use a mouse, desktop metaphor, and a graphical user interface (GUI). This is what we now know as the complete personal computer.
  • Ethernet Computing Network

    Ethernet Computing Network
    EthernetIn 1973, Robert Metcalfe and Xerox introduced the Ethernet Computing Network. Ethernet has largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies such as token ring, FDDI, and ARCNET. However, it was not commercially introduced until 1980.
  • Altair 8800

    Altair 8800
    Altair 8800Introduced in 1975, the Altair 8800 was the gateway to the popularization of cheap, easy to use, and truly personal computers. This machine is considered to be the design that was able to hit the sweet spot in terms of pricing and performance.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple IISteve Wozniak, known as Woz, helped build the Apple II that was launched in April of 1977. The Apple II had color graphics, a QWERTY keyboard, and internal slots for expansion. Despite slow initial sales, it accumulated higher total sales than its competitors.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    IBC PCThis PC used a 16-bit miroprocessor which initiated the development of faster and more powerful micros. The IBM PC quickly became the industry standard and was one of the reasons that Time Magizine chose the "Personal Computer" as its 1982 Man of the Year.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    WindowsIn 1985, Microsoft introduced its own operating system called Windows. Windows is a metafamily of graphical operating systems. Windows began to take over the world's personal computer market, with over 90% market share.