The first computer was built
Punch card system
Turing machine
Capable of computing anything that is computable. -
First computer without gears, cams, belts or shafts.
A computer that can solve 29 equations simultaneously.
This marks the first time a computer is able to store
information on its main memory. -
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC)
UNIVAC, the first commercial computer for business and government applications.
The invention of the transistor.
The first computer languege (COBOL)
The FORTRAN programming language
Computer chip.
A prototype of the modern computer, with a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI).
UNIX, an operating system that addressed compatibility issues.
The first Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip.
Invent the “floppy disk,” allowing data to be shared among computers
Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware.
World's first minicomputer kit to rival commercial models.
Steve Jobsand Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day
A number of personal computers hit the market,
Introduction of VisiCalc
MicroPro International releases WordStar
FIrst IBM personal computer
Apple’s Lisa is the first personal computer with a GUI
Microsoft announces Windows,
Compaq brings the Deskpro 386 to market
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) by Tim Berners-Lee
Use of graphics and music on PCs
PCs becomegaming machines
Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine
Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple
The termWi-Fibecomes part of the computing language
Apple unveils theMac OS Xoperating system
Thefirst 64-bit processor
Mozilla’sFirefox1.0 challenges Microsoft’sInternet Explorer
YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded
Apple introduces theMacBook Pro and Nintendo’sWiigame console
Microsoft launchesWindows 7
Apple unveils theiPad
Google releases the Chromebook
a laptop that runs the Google Chrome OS -
Facebook gains 1 billion users on October 4
Apple releases the Apple Watch. Microsoft releases Windows 10