history of computers

  • Charles Babbage

    made the first automatic called analytical engine considered the father of computers
  • Herman Hollerith

    made hollerith tabulating machine, speeds up the tabultion process father of modern machine processing
  • Z1 computer

    first to include certain features interfrated into todays system stood for VersuchsModell 1
  • Eniac

    first successful high speed eletronic digital computer cost over 500,000 dollars to make
    6million in todays money
  • Univac

    first commercially successful electronic digital computer stood for universal automatic computer
  • 1st generation computers

    last computers to use vacuum tubes.
    it was also usd to prdict the presidency
  • 2nd generation computers

    forst computers to use transistors
  • Jack Kirby

    made the first intergrated circuit
  • 3rd generation computers

    used the first intergrated circuit

    it was computer that everyone could learn used primarildly during the 60 to 70s
  • 4th generation computers

    first to use microprocessor chip
  • Introduction to the GUI

    it was a word processors, made it easier to work on computers
  • altair computer

    first personal computer
  • steve jobs

    made apple passed away
  • apple 2

    first computer to include monitor , sound
  • Bill Gates

    made microsoft has over 85 billion dollars as of 2014
  • wordstar

    first word processing application it is no longer developed
  • Visicalc

    first electronic spreadsheet application sold over 1 million copys
  • osborne computer

    first portable computer
  • pagemaker

    first desktop publishing software bought by aobe in 1994
  • Excel

    first spreadsheets to use graphical user interface still used today
  • Mosaic

    You could now view multimedia on the web led to the internet boom
  • Netscape

    web browser competing with microsoft now owned by AOL