
History of computers

  • IBM

    Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, built a machine to count a census. It used punched cards and gears like the previous ones, but it worked with electricity. His company grew to become the first computer manufacturer in the world.
  • Integrated circuits

    Integrated circuits
    Integrated circuits begin to be used in the computers, which increased the processing capacity and reduced the size of the machines.
  • microprocessor

    The microprocessor appears: a single integrated circuit in which the basic elements of the computer meet. The first personal computers begin to develop.
  • WWW or Web

    WWW or Web
    It appears the WWW or Web, one of the main internet services, which makes the use of computers more useful in different areas.
  • smartphones

    The development of smartphones starts with the presentation of the Simon phone that included calendar, address book, world clock and calculator, among other functions.