History of Computers

By khaas17
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    First openly programmable computer Started open sourceing

    First electronic all purpose computer Was the foreunner of modern computers
  • CRT

    F.C. Williams designs a cathode-ray tube. It is a storing device that is the forerunner of RAM
  • The First Electronic Computer

    The First Electronic Computer
    Hideo Yamachito develops the first electronic computer. The begining of a new age of computers.
  • Optic Fiber

    Optic Fiber
    Optic fiber is invented by three people. Optic fiber can transport data, ridiculously well over time and distance.
  • The Mouse

    The Mouse
    Douglas Engelbart invents the computer mouse. Is a revolutionay input device that we still use today
  • Word Processing

    Word Processing
    IBM develops the first word processer. With out word processing, we wouldn't be able to do much of anything with computers today
  • RAM

    Intel introduces RAM to computer systems RAM is magicaly awesome. Without, we'd be nothing
  • Email

    Email is first invented. Email let us communicate by computer over an distance of worldwide porportions.
  • Macintosh

    Apple introduces Macintosh It changes the line of computers we use for everything