
History of computers

  • First computer made.

    First computer made.
    Charles Babbage invented the first computer in 1822. He proposed the building of it on the 14th of June but it wasn't completed until 1832. The machine could store, process and get data.
  • First electronic computer made.

    First electronic computer made.
    It was called the ENIAC. It cost nearly $500,000!!! It was finished in 1942 by John Atanasoff.
  • First video game.

    First video game.
    Physicist William Higinbotham made the first video game. It was a tennis game that is similar to the popular 1970's game 'Pong'. It became very popular.
  • The internet was invented.

    The internet was invented.
    In 1961 the indea of the interent was intrduced by Leonard Kleinrock's. In 1969, it had been relseased to the public and the first lot of data is made.
  • First mouse

    First mouse
    It wasfirt thought of in 1960's but wasn't finished until 1970. Douglas Engelbart came up with the idea. The mouse was first used with the Xerox Alto computer system in 1973.
  • First email sent.

    First email sent.
    In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent an email to himself. The two computers were sitting right next to each other. Ray Tomlinson chose the @ symbol to tell which user was "at" what computer. The @ goes inbetween the user's login name and the name of his/her host computer.
  • The first game console.

    The first game console.
    the Magnavox Odyssey was released in 1972. It was first shown to the public in April 1972 but was released in August 1972.
  • The first laptop.

    The first laptop.
    The first laptop was the Osourne 1. It cost $1795 when it was first released. It was a comfortable 'lap size' and was verypopular.
  • Netflix founded.

    Netflix founded.
    In 1998 netflix started renting DVD's but then in 1999 it came in debt of $30 million. In 2002 the company went public and in 2007 it introduced streaming and showing online videos.
  • Facebook invented.

    Facebook invented.
    Facebook was invented on the 4th of Feurary 2004. It was invented by Mark Zuckerberg who was a student studying computer science. Some of his classmates helped him out as well.
  • Youtube was created.

    Youtube was created.
    The service was created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005 and has been owned by Google since late 2006. It shows videos that the public upload (or anyone can upload.).
  • The first tweet.

    The first tweet.
    It was sent made by Jack Dorsey who was a co-funder of Twitter. It said 'just setting up my twittr'.
  • The first iPhone.

    The first iPhone.
    The iPhone began to be first developed in 2004 but was released in June, 2007. It was shown to the public Januray 9th, 2007. The iPhones have changed lots which is evident in the later modles that Apple inc. have created.
  • The first IPad

    The first IPad
    The first IPad was released in 2010. It is 9.7-inches. It comes in 3 different varieties: 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB. It also comes with the option of 3G or no 3G. It comes from the brand 'Apple'. It has now been replaced by faster and thinner IPads, now there is the 'IPad Air and the IPad mini'.
  • Instagram invented.

    Instagram invented.
    On March 5, Kevin Systrom closed a deal of $500,000 on Instagrams funding. In august 2010 Instagram was completed and released to the public in October just after midnight by Systrom.With a click, Instagram, the photo-sharing app he'd created with Mike Krieger, was open to the world.
  • Snapchat released.

    Snapchat released.
    Snapchat was started by Brown and Spiegel as a project for one of Spiegel's classes at Stanford University. Spiegel thought of the idea in April 2011 but it wasn't released until September 2011.
  • Every TV a smart TV

    Every TV a smart TV
    Every TV that samsung sell will be a 'smart TV'. It can connect to the internet and will have 4K ultra-high definition sets.
  • Samsung phone charger.

    Samsung phone charger.
    "A Samsung smartphone has just been recharged from being nearly out-of-juice to full capacity in less time than it takes to boil a kettle." The charger is a simlar size to the phone and is portable. It is a big improvment to last year when the charger had a battery so thick it stuck outwards!
  • Otus

    This robot moves the phone or tablet to face the person using it so that they are always facing the person they are chatting to. So if the person is moving around, cooking, cleaning etc., they can always face the screen.
  • Droplet

    The garden bot is a sprinkler that knows all about plants and how much water to give them. It knows that if say there is an 80% chance of rain it will wait to see if it actually does rain and then does its job if neccersary.
  • Computer controlled car.

    Computer controlled car.
    You can sit in any direction in your car because a computer controls it for you. There is a small watch that you use to tell the computer what you want.
  • Furo-i

    This robot is designed to look after young children or the elderly. "It's a sleek-looking sensor-laden cone on wheels topped by a tablet that displays a friendly-looking animated droid's face. It can detect temperature, turn on/off lights and if something unexpected happens, it can send a message to the family saying there might be a problem."
  • iHollogram

    Instead of looking at one another through a screen the iHollogram lets you look at them in 3D.
  • "iChip"

    Have an Apple iChip implanted into your brain so you no longer need to have an iPhone to use any of its functions, think phone call, control your texting all in your head. It could also use all the internet resources too.