Feb 7, 1000
It comes from the Greek word “abax” which means calculating board. .The abacus is known as the first joy calculator. It was built in 2500B.C. But countries like china still use it this day.http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/abacus/history.html9/3/14 -
The pascaline was invented in 1642 and is a tool that was invented by a scientist named Blaise pascal. He invented this because his dad was a tax collector and it took him a long time to add up all of the taxes. So Blaise, his son made a calculator so he could add the taxes faster.http://history-computer.com/MechanicalCalculators/Pioneers/Pascal.html8/2/14 -
Stepped Reckoner
This is known as the first thinking device, knowing the arithmetic and logic law. This machine only uses balls, tubes, and holes to put the tubes in.http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/calculators/1/49
9/1/14 -
Lady Lovelace Computer Program
This is the first lady to create a computer program. She was one of the smartest to, she had private tutors and she educated herself.http://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/adalovelace/9/5/14 -
Differance and Anatical Engine
This image has worked on discrete digits not smooth ones.It was made to calculate #’s from 20 digits to 30 digits.http://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/engines/9/3/14 -
Grace Murray Hooper
She was the third person to program a computer. Her invention was so easy to read that people who weren’t mathematicians could read it. http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/Files/hopper-story.html9/2/14 -
Tabulating Machine
This was the second computer device invented by IBM. In 1934, the German Konrad Zuse in Berlin, built the first mechanical digital programmable computer.http://www.columbia.edu/cu/computinghistory/hollerith.html9/2/14 -
Punch Cards
A punch card is a sheet of paper that has 80 columns to punch holes in. And this was invented because of competition between two company’s working in secrecy from each other. http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/9/1/14 -
Period: to
Antanasoff Berry Computeter
This was useful for five years. He invented this for a school lexures. It consisted of 2 ½ ton and 5,000 vacume tubes that were hand wired. http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/birth-of-the-computer/4/99
9/6/14 -
Harvards Mark1
This was the man that invented IBM. The first computer they made used until 1959. This was powered by electromagnetic pulses. But it was the fastest computer at that time, calculating 3-5 seconds for a multiplication_problem._http://www.eingang.org/Lecture/graphics/slides/hmark1.gif -
Vaccum Tube Computer
This was the first generation of computers to ever exist at that time and it was a device powered by electric.http://www.pbs.org/transistor/science/events/vacuumt.html -
This was invented for the military artillery firing tables. John used the tubes to speed up the process. And when he did that the process took 2.5 seconds to figure out a problem.http://inventors.about.com/od/estartinventions/a/Eniac.htm9/3/14 -
Thomson has received the Nobel peace prize for inventing the Transistor computer. This computer was the third largest computer covering93 square meters of space.http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/physics/transistor/history/9/1/14 -
Integrated circut
This was a machine that inventors had at the same time. They tried to make as small as possible, but they were at the limit. This was so advanced at that time because the circuits were all in one chip.http://inventors.about.com/od/istartinventions/a/intergrated_circuit.htm9/5/14 -
This was a success for the paradox due to the techniques that squeeze roughly twice as many circuits onto silicon. This computer is still used to this very day from a stand-alone office workhorse doing word-processing and spreadsheets and can send faxes and e-mail for meetings.http://jupiter.plymouth.edu/~harding/historymicro.html9/3/14 -
The Grid Compass [first laptop] was one fifth the weight of any model equivalent in performance and was used by NASA on the space shuttle program in the early 1980's. Now there are laptops that can have its own internet and larger screenshttp://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bllaptop.htm9/4/14 -
This is a 9.7 inch device that was invented in 2010 by a man named Steve Jobs. He thinks this is a part of life because life is getting more advance. apple.com/ipad9/5/14