First Programmable Computer
The first programmable computer was made in the year 1936.
The inventor was Konrad Zuse. -
First Electronic Computer
The first electronic computer was made this year.
the inventors were Clifford Berry and John Atansoff.
At Iowa University. -
The Mark1
The first MARK computer was made this year by Grace Hopper and Howard Aiken at Harvard University. -
First Commercial Computer
First commercial compter and able to pick presidential winners.
John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly -
The first computer game that was created was Spacewar.
Created by Steve Russell and MIT. -
The Mouse
The mouse was created by Douglas Engelbart -
The original internet
The original internet was created by ARPA -
tHE ethernet was created by Rokert Metcalfe & Xerox -
First Consumer Computer
Word Proccessor
Created vy Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby. -
First Home Computer
Was created by IBM. -
Company War!
Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple. -
The P programming language starts development. -
Young Filipino students release the ILOVEU email virus causing $10 billion dollars in damage. -
Gettin Paper
The site egghead.com announces 12/22/2000 the site was hacked and credit cards were exposed. -
Apple introduces the Ipod. -
The domain wikipedia.org comes online January 13,2001 -
Napster reaches over 26 million users Feb.2001 -
Microsoft releases the Xbox game console. -
The "Goner" virus was first discovered December 4,2001. -
Approximately 1 billion PC's have been shipped. -
Anna Kournika Virus
Jan de Wika aka ONTHEFLY was convicted May 1,2002.
For the Anna Kournikova Virus. -
sony releases the xbox 360 -
Nintendo releases the WII. -
Sony releases the Playstation 3
Sony releases the playsttaion 3 -
Man vs. Computer
Watson IBM Super computer beats the two best Jeporady players in a three day event.