Josheph-Marie Jacquard developed an automatic loom controlled by punch cards.
Joseph Henry invented the first electromechanical relay.
Dorr Felt invents first printing desk calculator
IBM standardizes on punched cards with 80 columns of data and rectangular holes.
IBM introduced the IBM 601 Multiplying Punch, an electromechanical machine that could read two numbers, up to 8 digits long, from a card and punch their product onto the same card
Konrad Zuse developed Plankalkül, the first higher-level programming language.
ENIAC One of the first totally electronic, valve driven, digital, program-controlled computers was unveiled
This is considered the birthday of modern computing.
EDVAC becomes operational.
CSIRAC used to play music – the first time a computer was used as a musical instrument.
Whirlwind, the first real-time computer was built at MIT by the team of Jay Forrester for the US Air Defense System, became operational.
Magnetic core memory developed.
The floppy disk is invented at IBM by David Noble
Intel founded by Robert Noyce and a few friends.
Ethernet developed, this became a popular way of connecting PCs and other computers together – to enable them to share data, and devices such as printers.
Apple Computer, Inc. founded, to market the Apple I single-board computer designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.
Apple II computer introduced based on an 8 bit MOS
Compact disc was invented.
JavaScript development announced by Netscape.