History of Computers

  • Punch Cards

    Punch Cards
    The invention was made by Jacquard in France around 1810. The idea originated of using holes punched in cardstock to control the pattern a loom weaves. This later inspired Herman Hollerith to used them for vital statistics tabulation by the New York Health Department for the 1890 census.
  • Analytical Engine/Machine

    Analytical Engine/Machine
    The Analytical Machine was generally considered the first computer, designed and partly built by Charles Babbage. The general purpose of this computer was to be a fully program-controlled, automatic mechanical digital computer
  • Von Neumann Architecture

    Von Neumann Architecture
    Von Neumann architecture was a design model for a software type digital computer. The architecture has Memory, a control unit, arithmetic logic units, along with an input and output.

    ENIAC stands for Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator developed by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert. It was designed for the army because they needed a device that could calculate artillery-firing tables and have settings for various different weapons

    UNIVAC is a computer that was used first for the United States Bureau for keeping the rapidly growing population numbers in a safe place-the computer. Dr. Presper Eckert and Dr. John Mauchly spent 5 researching and creating different models before creating the first successful UNIVAC computer in 1951. The UNIVAC was much faster than the IBM computer. ” The UNIVAC had an add time of 120 microseconds, multiply time of 1,800 microseconds and a divide time of 3,600 microseconds”
  • high-level programming language

    high-level programming language
    Invented by John Backus, it is used to program scientific and mathematical applications. It began as an digital code interpreter, but later was changed to programming language.
  • First Electronic Spreadsheet

    First Electronic Spreadsheet
    “LANPAR” – Language for Programming Arrays at Random was the first

    electronic spreadsheet. It was invented and developed by Rene Pardo and Remy Landau.
    LANPAR was sold to Plant Budgeting Divisions of Bell Canada, AT&T and the 18 Operating Telephone Companies.
  • UNIX

    UNIX is a multi-user, multitasking operating system developed at Bell Labs. When UNIX became the domain of servers and advanced users, it became extremely popular through Linux and Mac OS X.
  • Altair

    It was introduced as an electronic calculator kit.
    H. Edward Roberts, decided to design a small, affordable computer around the previous Intel 8080. It was one of the first microcomputers to sell in large quantities. The Altair had very little internal and no external memory, no printer, and no keyboard or other input device, but within 3 months Roberts had a backlog of 4000 orders.
  • Windows

    Created by Bill Gates and Paul Allen the original idea was the software that manages, or runs, the computer hardware and also serves to bridge the gap between the computer hardware and programs, such as a word processor.
  • Apple

    Steven Wozniak had created the first apple computer in 1976 because he has been interested and had been dabbling in computer design for a long time. Him and Steve Jobs have been friends since high school keeping in touch later on, decided to sell the computer and create a company with many different models.
  • CRAY-1

    CRAY-1 was the first super-computer built by Seymour Cray in 1972. It had a speed of 160 million floating-point operations per second and an 8 megabyte main memory. In order to increase speed the super computer was created in a ‘C’ shape.
  • PC

    PC is short for personal computer or IBM PC. The first personal computer was produced by IBM, and increasingly the term PC came to mean IBM or IBM-compatible personal computers. The personal computer is a small and partially inexpensive computer designed for an individual person/user. One of the first personal computers was the Apple computer in 1977.
  • Macintosh

    Macintosh is better known today as Apple. Macintosh was a computer that could be carried around but at first missed several important features that were needed at the time.