History of Computers

  • Period: to

    Computer Timeline

  • John Napier

    John Napier
    He invented a set of rods that could perform complex calculations. These are called "Napier's Bones."
  • Joseph-Marie Jacquard

    Joseph-Marie Jacquard
    Developed a weaving loom that used punch cards to replicate designs,
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    He created the difference engine. An adding and multiplication machine.
  • Charles Babbage's Son

    Charles Babbage's Son
    Charle's son completes the Analytical Engine.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    Between 1945-1975 Grace Hopper developed a high level language compiler. She also found the first computer bug ever, which was in fact a month.
  • Transistor Development

    Transistor Development
    William B. Shockley, Walter H. Brattian, and John Bardeen developed the transistor at Bell Laboratories
  • Microprocessors

    Microprocessors were developed throughout the 1970s.
  • Scelbi Company Offers Personal Computer Kit

    Scelbi Company Offers Personal Computer Kit
    Scelbi Company offered a computer kit using the Xerox 8008 Chip. It was for sale for $565.
  • Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak

    Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
    Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak invented the Apple 1. It sold so well they had enough money to create the Apple 2.
  • The Cray 1

    The Cray 1
    The Cray 1 was the first super computer which was available for purchase. It was based upon physics principles related to super cooling.
  • The First Personal Computer

    The First Personal Computer
    The Commodore Business Machines introduce the PET, the first personal computer.
  • Bill Gates & Paul Allen

    Bill Gates & Paul Allen
    Bill Gates & Paul Allen modify QDOS for IBM.
  • The K Computer

    The K Computer
    The K Computer is built in Japan.It does 8 quadrillion calculations per second. It is more super than the super computer was. ever.