Konrad Zuse Created Plankalkul in 1948. Its purpose was to be used in engineering facilities during the Cold War arms race. -
Created by IBM in 1950, Fortran is a high-level language that can translate code from many dialects. It is still used today. "Fortran" comes from the name "FORmula TRANslating system". -
MATH-MATIC was created by Charles Katz in 1957. It was the commercial code compiler used with the UNIVAC, one of the earlier computer models. -
Created by John McCarthy in 1958, Lisp excels because of it's procedural and reflective execution. -
RPG was created by IBM in 1959. Its purpose was business and finance application. "RPG" is an acronym for "Report Program Generator". -
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or BASIC, was created in 1964 through a collaboration between John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. This language was created to make programming more user-friendly to students in fields of study other than math and science. -
Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert created LOGO for students to use. Instead of numbers and keywords, LOGO uses graphics and logic-based coding. LOGO is not an acronym, it is the greek root word "logos", meaning "thought". -
Grace Hopper created the COmmon Business-Oriented Language in 1968 for business and finance applications. -
B was created by Ken Thompson. It is extinct, having been superceeded by C. B was a typeless language, meaning that every bit of code was an actual word. -
Created in 1969, with B as it's predecessor, Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language to allow for lexical variable scoping and recursive formulas. -
In 1970, Nikalus Wirth created PASCAL to encourage good programming practices in both new and old programmers alike. "PASCAL" was probably derived from the name of one of the earliest computer models, the "Pascaline". -
ML was created in 1973 by Robin Milner. It is a strong language - there is proof that a well-written ML code will yield no runtime errors. -
SQL was the result of a collaborative effort between Donald D. Chamberlain and Raymond F. Boyce. Released in 1974, this language was used for managing data held in a Relational Database Management System, or RDBMS. "SQL" is an acronym for "Structured Query Language". -
C++ was created in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Used by Microsoft to create video games, this language was statically typed and free-form. -
Created by Jean Ichbiah, this language was named after Ada Lovelace, the woman credited with being the world's first computer programmer. ADA was created to perform multiple tasks with ease. -
In 1991, Guido van Rossum created Python. Python was created as an extremely compact code, as well as being able to be read and deciphered by a human. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic was created by Microsoft in 1991. This language is still widely used today by beginner programmers and is event-driven and object-based. -
Delphi is the name for a branch of Object-Pascal based languages. It was named after Embarcadero Delphi and is a strong, safe language -
Java was created in 1995 by a team led by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. Java was designed to have as few hardware implementations as possible, making coders able to write code once and run it anywhere without having to recompile the code. -
Not to be confused with Java, Javascript, or JS, was created by Brendan Eich in 1995. Javascript allows for web plugins to interact with the browser and the user - ads and pop-ups all use Javascript. -
Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1995 to assist coders in developing web pages. "PHP" is a backronym for "Hypertext Processor"