Old computer nd

History of Computer Programming

  • Jacquard Loom

    An Overview of Computer ProgrammingJoseph Marie Jacquard created the Jacquard Loom. It used punch cards to dictate its operation. This was used in Babbage's Analytical Engine.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    The EnginesIn 1834, Charles Babbage started working on the Analytical Engine. It had many functions of the modern day computer; it was programmable. Also, its logical structure was the same design that was popular in the electronic era.
  • First Computer Programming Language

    A Brief History of Computer Programming Languages Ada Lovelace supposedly made the first computer programming language in 1883; she created an algorithm for Babbage's Analytical Engine. Go women!
  • Turing Machine

    Turing MachineAlan Turing first proposed the Turing Machine in 1936. It was the first step towards trying to find a way to modify programs and input data faster. It was also used as a blueprint for the first digital computer.
  • Zuse Z3

    KONRAD ZUSEKonrad Zuse made the first programmable/multipurpose computer.

    ENIACENIAC was the first general purpose electronic computer.
  • Transistor

    How Transistors WorkThe first transistor was created at Bell Laboratories by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain. This was the most important electronics event of the 20th century.

    An Overview of Computer ProgrammingThe first practical, stored-program electronic computer was the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator. On May 6, 1949, it performed its first function.

    An Overview of Computer ProgrammingFORTRAN is the "grandfather" of programming languages. It was created by IBM in 1957, and it stands for FORmula TRANslation.

    Computer Programming HistoryALGOL 60, fully developed in 1960, majorly influenced future programming languages and created the standard for algorithm description.

    Timeline of Computer HistoryThe Conference of Data Systems Languages met and created a universal language for business applications, COBOL.
  • APL

    Timeline of Computer History Kenneth Iverson wrote the book A Programming Language. Then, IBM hired Iverson to develop the actual programming language. The important functions are expressed with specific signs, and this led to the creation of especially concise programs.
  • Second Generation Computers

    Computer Programming HistoryBetween the years 1959-1964, second generation computers were being developed using transistors and printed circuits.

    Timeline of Computer HistoryThomas Kurtz and John Kemeny developed BASIC. This program was easy-to-learn and spread to a variety of schools worldwide. PCs were first programmed with BASIC in their system, therefore spreading it to a new audience.

    Computer Programming HistoryNiklaus Wirth published PASCAL in 1970 as an efficient programming language. Its purpose was to inspire good programming methods using structured programming and data structuring.
  • Third Generation Computers

    Computer Programming HistoryIn between the years 1964-1972, the third generation computers were created. These computers used first integrated circuits, which helped the computers become smaller and faster.
  • C released

    C released
    Timeline of Computer History Dennis Ritchie and his team developed C off of Basic Combined Programming Language. What they did was write the source code for Unix in the C language.
  • Beginning of the Internet

    An Overview of Computer ProgrammingVinton Cerf and Bob Kahn coined "internet" in 1974.
  • First Computer Virus

    An Overview of Computer ProgrammingFred Cohen made the first computer virus. It was a hidden program designed to infect a computer, copy itself, and infect other computers by means of a floppy disk. He made it to prove that it was possible.
  • C++

    Timeline of Computer History Stroustrup made C++ by combining the BCPL and Stimula. He says its general purpose is to "make programming more enjoyable for the serious programmer."
  • Perl

    Timeline of Computer History Larry Wall created Perl, a language that involved analyzing and extracting information from reports and text files. It is used in every area of computing, earning itself the nickame of "the duct tape of the Internet."
  • Python

    A Brief History of Computer Programming Guido Van Rossum wrote Python, which is now used for a selection of programming styles. It is most commonly found in web applications and information security.
  • World Wide Web

    An Overwiew of Computer ProgrammingThe World Wide Web was released, and the Internet Society was developed.
  • Ruby

    A Brief History of Computer Programming Languages Ruby was impacted by many of the previously existing programming languages: Perl, Ada, Lisp, Smalltalk, and others. Yukihiro Matsumoto designed this language for enjoyable yet productive programming.
  • Java

    A Brief History of Computer Programming Java was made by James Gosling for a TV project. It is cross-platform and is the most popular programming language.