History of Computers timeline

By Vikcho
  • The Harvard Mark-1

    The Harvard Mark-1
    The Harvard Mark-1 was a room-sized, relay-based calculator. The Harvard Mark-1 was used to make mathematical tables, but later was no longer used due to the creation of stored program computers.
  • Period: to

    History of Computers

  • IBM 701

    IBM 701
    IBM shipped their first electronic computer (the 701). After three years of production, IBM sold 19 machines to the federal government, aircraft companies, and research laboratories.
  • PDP-8

    The PDP-8 was the first comercially successful minicomputer, the PDP-8 sold for 18.000 each and considering the speed, size, and cost it was used in many businesses and scientific laboratories.
  • Commodore PET

    Commodore PET
    The Commodore PET was one of the first personal computers that was released in 1977. The Commodore PET came assembled with 4 or 8 kilobytes of memory, two built in cassette drivers,and a membrane keyboard.
  • Commodore 64

    Commodore 64
    The Commodore 64, or the C64 was a computer that came with 64KB of ram, and featured rather impressive graphics for the price of 595. Even though the C64 was discontinued in 1993, more than 22 million units of it were sold.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    The Ninteno 64 console superseded the Nintendo Entertainment System. The Nintendo 64 console started at a retail price of 249.99 US dollars and came with two games, Pilotwing 64 and Super Mario 64 when it was lanched in the United States.
  • The First Generation IPhone

    The First Generation IPhone
    IPhones were a line of smart phones made by Apple. The IPhone ran Apple's IOS operating system. The IPhone ran Apple's IOS operating system. Throughout the years the IPhone has become very popular, the most recent IPhone models are the IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 plus