History of computer

By Santdow
  • Z1 invented

    Z1 invented
    Considered the first p modern computer
  • Enigma machine

    Enigma machine
    German encryption machine used in WWII that was considered to be un undecipherable, until it was eventually cracked
  • Invention of transistor

    Invention of transistor
    William Shockley invented the transistor at Bell labs
  • Direct keyboard omit added to computers

    Direct keyboard omit added to computers
    At MIT, researchers created the first keyboard by hooking a electrically controlled typewriter up to a computer
  • Sputnik I and Sputnik II launched into space

    Sputnik I and Sputnik II launched into space
    In 1957 the Russians launched Sputnik I and Sputnik II were sent into space
  • NASA and ARPA formed

    NASA and ARPA formed
    ARPA and NASA were formed in 1958 by Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Gary Starkweather invents laser printer

    Gary Starkweather invents laser printer
    While working with Xerox, Gary starkweather invented laser printer
  • First computer controlled robotic arm

    First computer controlled robotic arm
    Victor Scheinman’s arm robot was the first electronically powered, computer controlled robotic arm
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    The Altair 8800 was the first personal computer
  • Computer Space released

    Computer Space released
    The first commercially sold arcade machine
  • Apple computers founded

    Apple computers founded
    In 1976, Steve Jobs and and Steve Wozniak founded apple computers
  • VisiCalc invented

    VisiCalc invented
    The first computerized spreadsheet program was introduced in 1978
  • Stanford cart

    Stanford cart
    The Stanford cart was a long term project at Stanford University from 1960-1980 in 1979 the cart crossed a room on its own while navigating around a chair. The cart was equipped with stereo vision, and a camera that took pictures around the room from different angles and relayed it to a computer
  • First 3 1/2 inch floppy drive

    First 3 1/2 inch floppy drive
    Sony introduced the first 3 1/2 floppy drives and diskettes in 1981
  • Time announced the Machine of the year instead of Man of the year

    Time announced the Machine of the year instead of Man of the year
    Time magazine believed that 1982 was best represented by the Personal computer
  • Flash memory invented

    Flash memory invented
    Fuji Masuoka invented flash memory while working for Toshiba
  • Nintendo releases the NES in America

    Nintendo releases the NES in America
    On July 15th, 1983 the Famicon gaming system was released in Japan, in 1985, the console was renamed to the NES for its American release
  • Pixar Founded

    Pixar Founded
    Steve Jobs paid 10 million dollars to acquire the special effects computer group at Lucasfilm, and renamed it Pixar
  • Tin Toy becomes first computer animated film to win Oscar

    Tin Toy becomes first computer animated film to win Oscar
    The tin toy was the first computer animated film to win an Oscar
  • Nintendo releases Game Boy

    Nintendo releases Game Boy
    In 1988 Nintendo released the Game Boy handheld console
  • Photoshop released

    Photoshop released
    In 1990 photoshop was released, it was created by John and Thomas Knoll
  • Jurassic Park released

    Jurassic Park released
    Steven Spielberg’s movie about dinosaurs in modern day became the highest grossing film ever up to that point
  • GTA is released

    GTA is released
    Grand Theft Auto was released in 1997
  • IBM Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov

    IBM Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov
    IBMs Deep Blue machine defeated a chess champion 2 games to 1
  • First IPhone released

    First IPhone released
    Apple released the first IPhone on June 29,2007