history of computer

  • punch cards

    joseph marie jacquard invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs
  • fisrst computer

    fisrst computer
    charles babbage conceives of a steam-driven calculating machine that would be able to compute tables of numbers
  • IBM

    herman hollerith designs a pucnh card system to calculate the 1880 census, save the government 5 million, he establishes a company that would ultimatelly become IBM.
  • turing machine

    alan turing presents the notion of a universal machine, later called turing machine, capable of computing anything thatt is computable. the central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas.
  • HP

    hewlett packard is founded by David packard and bill hewlett.
  • 29 equiatons simultaneously

    atanasoff and clifford berry design a computer taht can solve 29 equiatons simultaneously, this mark the first time a computer is able to store information on its main memory.
  • Period: to


    john macuhly and j. presper eckert, build the electronic numerical integrator and calculator (ENIAC). the grandfather of digital computers.

    macuhly and presper leave the university and receive funding from the census bureau to build the UNIVAC, the firt commercial computer for bussiness and government aplications.
  • transistor

    william shockley, jon bardeen and walter brattain invent the transistor, discovered hor to make an eletric switch with solod materiales without vacuum

    the programing language is developed by a team of programers at IBM

    jack kilby and robert noyce unveil the integrated circuit.
  • prototype of modern computer

    douglas engelbart shoes a prototype of modern computer with mouse and grapfical user interface, this marks evolution of the computer from a specialized machine for scientists
  • INTEL 1103

    the newly formed intel unveils the intel 1103, the first dynamic access memory
  • floppy disk

    alan shugart invent the floppy disk.

    robert metcalfie develop ethernet.
  • Period: to

    personal computers

    a number of personal computers hit the market
  • microsoft

    paul allen and bill gates, ofter to writee software for the altair, using the new BASIC language, after the success of this first endeavor, the two chlhood friends from thir own software company, microsoft.
  • Apple computers

    steve jobs and stve wozniak star apple computers.
  • Apple II

    jobs and wozniak incroporate apple and show the Apple 2 at the first coas computer faire.
  • the first compputerized spreadsheet program

    accountants rejoice at the introduction of VisiCalc, the first compputerized spreadsheet program
  • IBM personal computer

    the first IBM personal computer Acorn
  • Apple's lisa

    the first perosnal computer with a GUI

    microsoft announces windows.
  • term WIFI

    the terms WIFI becomes part of the computing language
  • the mac OS x

    apple unveils the Mac OS x
  • 64 bit

    the first 64 bit ptocessor
  • MaBook pro

    apple introduces the MaBook pro
  • Windows 7

    microsoft launches windows 7
  • quantum computer

    the first reprogrammable quantum computer was created