History of Community Colleges: Based on "The Changing Role of Community College" by Henry T. Kasper and MCCCD website
By renee.davis
Joliet Community College
llinois—the Nation’s first junior college. A fifth and sixth year essentially added to High School. -
Low enrollment at 2-year institutions
There was only a focus on the liberal arts; Phoenix College opens -
Job training begins
This continues through the 60's. Enrollment increases -
Glendale Community College Opens
Mesa Opens Downtown and Dobson Campuses
SCC Opens
Enrollment more than doubles
From 1970-1980, the enrollment increase resulted from three factors:Baby boomers continued to come of age, more parents desireda postsecondary education for their children, and students
sought draft deferment during the Vietnam War. -
Paradise Valley Community College Opens
Community Partnerships and Specific Skill Centers Emergo
The Nationwide Commission on the Future of Community
Colleges recommended that these colleges help build
communities by creating partnership