ASCD Common Core State StandardsA committee of ASCD members began a yearlong review of the issue of education standards in general and the common core standards in particular -
ASCD Begins Standards Position Development Process
ASCD's position development committee- a sixteen member committee of ASCD members and educators in a variety of professional roles -
ASCD Comments on "Race to the Top Criteria"
ASCD sends a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan that raises deep concerns about Federal involvement with standards, communicating a strong objection to making common core adoption a requirement for states to recieve "Race to the Top" funds -
Kentucky was the first state to adopt standards -
Draft Release
The Draft was released to the public -
ASCD approves standards position
ASCD's position development committee shares the results of its yearlong study of education stands -
ASCD becomes a CCSS endorsing partner
ASCD announces that it has become an endorsing partner of CC; one of the last major education organizations to endorse the state-led effort spearheaded by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association -
ASCD Prescidently warns about Perception of Federal Standards Involved
Secretary Duncan revises the final "Race to the Top" grant criteria so that adopting the CCSS is not mandatory for receiving funds -
Final CCSS are Released
Adoption Begins
Thirty-one states have adopted standards -
U.S. Dept. of Education awards "Race to the Top" assessment grants
ASCD receives grant to support educator's standards implementation
ASCD receives a 3-year, $3 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundaton supporting educators' understanding and implementation of Common Core -
Core Connection is Launched
ASCD launches an e-newsletter (published every two years) providing educators with news and updates of standards and their implementation across the country -
Montana is 45th state to adopt standards
Common Standards and the Whole Child
ASCD emphasizes standards alone will not prepare children for college, career, and citizenship. Students that are healthy, safe, eagered, supported and challenged will meet highest expectations -
EduCore Website is launched
The Website provides educators with evidence-based resources, strategies, formative assessment lessons. Monies were donated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -
ASCD releases Common Core report
Move from adoption to implementation to sustainability -
New grants received to continue educator support
ASCD receives a follow-up 2-year $250,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to provide free ongoing, virtual professional development -
ASCD sets policy priorities examining CC Assessment
Common Core assessment consortia delivered goals to create next-generation assessments that are better able to measure deeper learning and assess student ability -
ASCDs Policy points dispels Common Core Myths
ASCD launches virtual learning network
by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation- provides educators with ongoing virtual professional development to assist with curriculum building, assessments, and the instructional shifts required when implementing standards -
Mar-Apr Common Core Leadership summit
Four Common Core leadership summits in CT, NJ, WA, AL, free day-long workshops provide resources related to standards and aligned assessments -
ASCD Policy Points provide Common Core talking points
Provides basic information about standards to inform educators; discussions with collegues, parents, community members and policymakers, outlines key considerations and concerns educators will address to make standards reality.