Early Stages of Cloning
Period: to
History of Cloni
First Cloned Frog
First Recorded Cloned Sentient Being, A Carp
First Cross-Species Clone, Asian-European Crucian Carp Mix
Means of Cloning a Sheep Began Developing in Theory
First Cloned Sheep - Dolly
First Cloned Mouse - Cumulina
First Cloned Cow - Gene
First Horse Cloned - Prometea
First Water Buffalo Cloned
Clones made of Chanse, Drug Sniffer Dog
First Cloned Spanish Bull
Cloned Horse Wins Argentine National Polo Match
China Produces 500 Cloned Pigs Annually for Medicanal Testing
Human Cloning Reserach is Underway
First Cloned Human, Fully Functional
Cloninng is questioned to be unethical, slippery slope
Kim Jung Un Attempts to Clone himself, Fails
Human Cloning is Considered Unethical and Outlawed