History of Christianity

  • 13

    Reign of Augustus

    His long rule saw a huge expansion in the Roman Empire and the beginnings of a dynasty that, over the next century, would transform Rome, for better and worse.
  • 30

    Death of Jesus and pentecost

    The time when Jesus passed and the Apostles continued his mission
  • 33

    sauls conversion

    When saul converted to christianity
  • 313

    end of roman slaughter

    When roman christians stopped being persecuted
  • 326

    Constantine military

    Constantine defeats Licinius in a battle near Adrianople. He now becomes ruler of the entire Roman empire. He moves the eastern capital from Nicomedia to Byzantine, henceforth known as Constantinople.
  • 327

    death of Constantine

    Constantines death
  • 505

    Death of pope

    Pope gregory the great
  • 756

    The donation of PEPIN

    He supported the
    Pope against the threat of the Lombards (a Germanic people) and
    donated territory won from them in Italy to the Pope.
  • 1054

    east west schism

    When the christian church started to fracture and practice different things
  • 1272

    end of crusades

    When the crusades ended after 180 years
  • 1309

    the avignon papacy

    When the 7 popes from Avignon began to take control in what happened
  • 1347

    The black death

    The start of the plague which killed many people
  • 1351

    end of black death

    When the plague had ended and Europe was falling apart
  • 1378

    Western schism

    Three popes fought for the same papacy of Rome. When all three Popes were forced to resign and a suitable candidate was elected to the office.
  • 1507

    Martin Luther and start of reformation

    Martin Luther was concerned at the corruption in the church so he took action in changing it.
  • 1537

    Henry VIII and the reformation

    When the church wouldnt allow him the annul his existing marriage he split.
  • 1545

    The council of Trent and The counter reformation

    The Council formalised doctrines that had been disputed by the Protestants. The seven sacraments were also protected.
  • The Enlightenment

    It was a time of exploration, new discoveries and the scientific method based on evidence rather than unsubstantiated dogma. Led by scholars usually.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Steam power and machines were made. Living shifted from rural to urban society.
  • Christianity arrives in Australia

    only arrived in Australia
    with the First Fleet in 1788.
  • First Vatican council

    to condemn secular
    thinking stemming from the Enlightenment, restate the faith, provide
    safeguards for Christian education and marriage
  • Start of world war 1

    People believed that war was inflicted on them via God.
  • end of world war 2

    Soldiers believed that it was hell and that their prayers were the way they came home
  • now
