history of childhood education

By odies
  • Johann Amos Comenius

    John Amos Comenius was a Moravian philosopher, pedagogue, and theologian who was considered the father of modern education
  • john locke

    he published a paper about children who were born with a clean slate that experienced all kinds of experiences
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Age of Enlightenment throughout Europe
  • robert owen

    he set up an infant school in New Lanark. he did it as a tool for children of parents in his mills
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    He was a Swiss educator.he offered many theories on education and caring practices that are most commonly used now today
  • social reform

    Reform and Social Change is about addressing and changing the structures, policies, and practices of schools
  • kindergarten

    Germany was the first country to have kindergarten. Kindergarten has gone through many social changes throughout the years. At first, it was for poor students and then it went to be led by churches. The kindergarten we know today is the first grade that students enter when they go to school to help them become more independent and prepared for the following grades.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel

    he was a German who laid the foundation for modern education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities
  • Rudolf Steiner

    he was an Austrian philosopher. he gave lectures to the German factories of Waldorf-Astoria. this system has influenced education in Europe
  • media and technology

    a tool that teachers use to make the materials in their classroom easier for the students for a more fun learning process
  • nursery schools

    The School for Nursery Years was founded by a group of parents, most of who were professional psychoanalysts, as a playgroup in Hancock Park
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori was an Italian physician and educator best known for her philosophy of education and her writing on scientific pedagogy
  • sputnik

    the launch of Sputnik powerfully focused the nation on the work to be done in science education
  • head start

    it promotes the physical, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers safe devleopmentally caregiving
  • high scope

    studies methods of early childhood education based on the methods of the 1962 Perry Preschool study
  • A. S Neill

    he was Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh
  • DAP

    Developmentally Appropriate Practice.it is an approach that early childhood educators use to support learning and development
  • stanards

    knowledge or skills that every student should learn. and should be able to do each grade level
  • no child left behind act

    the main law for K–12 education in the United States from 2002–2015. The law held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved