History of Cell Theory

By miccy
  • Decaying Tissue

    Decaying Tissue
    Athansius Kircher saw decaying tissue in maggots and living creatures.
  • Cell Term Created

    Cell Term Created
    Robert Hooke published a book called Mircrographia and in that book he created the term cell for these things the scientist were seeing under the microscopes.
  • Water Bacteria

    Water Bacteria
    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek examined water under a microscope and found bacteria.
  • Cells Found in Plants

    Cells Found in Plants
    Robert Brown found cells in plants extending the knowledge they are in all living things.
  • Cells Discected

    Cells Discected
    Robert Brown also found out an organelle in cells, called the nucleus.
  • Collaboration on Cell Theory

    Collaboration on Cell Theory
    Matthais Jakob Shleiden a botanist and Theodore Schwann a zoologist collaborate to determine what cells are
  • The Birth of Cell Theory

    The Birth of Cell Theory
    Chleiden and Schwann determined that all living things are made up of cells and cells are the smallest units. They could not agree if of their origin, whether they come from other cells or from nowhere.
  • Cell Theory Finalized

    Cell Theory Finalized
    Rudolf Virchow and Albert Kolliker furthered the cell theory and stated that cells are formed from living cells.
  • Neuron Theory

    Neuron Theory
    Wilhelm His formed the neuron theory by using the term neurons to describe independent nerve cells therefore applying cell theory to the nervous system.
  • More Organelles

    More Organelles
    An organelle known as the Mitochondria was discovered in cells.