History Of Cell Theory

  • Hans and Zacharias Jansen 1590

    Hans and Zacharias Jansen 1590
    Invented the compound microscope (two lenses within a tube)
  • Robert Hooke 1665

    Robert Hooke 1665
    Saw the 1st cell while looking at a cork tree using a microscope. Gave “cells” their name
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek 1670

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek 1670
    1st scientist to observe one celled organisms (such as bacteria) using pond water & teeth scrapings
  • Mathias Schleidan 1838

    Mathias Schleidan 1838
    Discovered that plant tissues are made of cells. All plants are made of plant cells!
  • Theodore Schwann 1839

    Theodore Schwann 1839
    Discovered that animal tissues are made of cells. All animals are made of animal cells!
  • francesco redi 1850

    francesco redi 1850
    Used rotten meat to discover cells do NOT spontaneously pop up! Cells come from cells
  • Rudolf Virchow 1858

    Rudolf Virchow 1858
    Observed cells dividing, which led to the 3rd part of the cell theory: “Cells come from pre-existing cells”
  • Francis Crick and James Watson 1952

    Francis Crick and James Watson 1952
    Made the 1st model of DNA, proving genes are hereditary