History of Catholicism

By nmuscat
  • First Fleet arrival

    First Fleet arrival
    The first Catholics to arrive in Australia came with the first fleet in 1788. The people on the ship consisted of Irish and English.
  • First Australian Christmas

    First Australian Christmas
    In December 1788, the first Christmas was celebrated in Australia. This would start the tradition in Australia.
  • First Catholic Mass

    First Catholic Mass
    On New years day 1803, the first mass was held in Australia. This mass was held by Fr. James Harold and Fr. James Dixon.
  • First Catholic School

    First Catholic School
    In 1822, the first catholic school was founded in the NSW suburb of Paramatta.
  • More Catholic Schools Appear

    More Catholic Schools Appear
    By 1833, over 10 catholic schools have been built in Australia, marking progress towards Catholicism in the country.
  • The First Bishop

    The First Bishop
    John Bede Polding was appointed as the first bishop in Australia. He was the bishop for New Holland and Van Diemens land.
  • St. Vincent de Paul Conference

    St. Vincent de Paul Conference
    In 1854, the first Australian conference about the St. Vincent de Paul society happened in Melbourne, Victoria,
  • Sisters of St. Joseph

    Sisters of St. Joseph
    By 1857, a few religious groups have started to form, including the sisters of St. Joseph. St. Mary Mackillop was apart of this group.
  • Archbishop of Melbourne

    Archbishop of Melbourne
    In 1886, Thomas Carr was appointed as the archbishop of Melbourne. Thomas Carr was an influential figure for catholicism in Australia.
  • Second Vatican Council

    Second Vatican Council
    The Vatican II was the most important event of the twentieth century in the Catholic church and Australia. The council was held in Rome and the members included the current Pope at the time and bishops from all around the world. The plan of the second Vatican was to "open the windows of the Church' and promote Christian unity and rights to religious freedom.
  • Mary Mackillop becoming a saint

    Mary Mackillop becoming a saint
    Mary Mackillop becomes a saint in 2010.