The Cambodian History: The Journey to Communism

  • Cambodia Gains Independence

    On November 9, 1953 Cambodia gained independence from France.
  • First Elections

    The first elections take place in Cambodia after they gain independence from France.
  • King Suramarit dies

    On April 3, 1960 King Suramarit died because of heart failure.
  • Vietnam War Escalates

    The Vietnam War escalates and communist forces seek shelter inside of Cambodia.
  • Civil War Begins

    The communist who invaded Cambodia start a civil war.
  • Coup takes over Sihanouk

    A US backed group that took over the government from the current leader Sihanouk.
  • Communist Take over Cambodia

    The communist group of Cambodia take over Phnom Penh and end up killing over 1.7 million.
  • Vietnam Invades Cambodia

    Vietnam launches a full scale invasion into Cambodia.
  • Communist Reign ends

    A group of former Khmer Rouge soldiers get together and put the Khmer Rouge government out of power.
  • Hun Sen becomes new Prime Minister

    Hun Sen is appointed the new Prime Minister by the general assembly.
  • Vietnam Leaves Cambodia

    Vietnam troops exit Cambodia after having invaded a decade ago.
  • A Peace Treaty is signed

    19 different nations signed the treaty to end Cambodia's civil war.
  • Elections are Held

    Elections are held for the first time after the war.
  • Prince Ranariddh returns

    Prince Ranariddh of Cambodia is returned to Cambodia after being exiled.
  • The CPP wins the elections

    Hun Sen's CPP wins the elections in Cambodia.
  • The first commune elections are held

    The first ever commune elections are held in Cambodia.
  • Norodom Sihamoni becomes the King

    Norodom Sihamoni becomes the king after his father resigned the throne.
  • King Sihamoni signs a treaty

    King Sihamoni signs a border treaty.
  • Second Commune Elections are held

    The second commune elections in Cambodia are held.
  • King Norodom Sihanouk passes away

    At the age of 89 Norodom Sihanouk passes away due to a heart attack.