History of calculator

  • 2000 BCE

    Pebbles and bone shards

    Pebbles and bone shards
    Used to count and tally items
  • 2000 BCE


    A tool used for counting. Made with wooden poles and small round beads.
  • Pascal calculator

    Pascal calculator
    A more primitive version of the mechanical calculator
  • mechanical calculator

    mechanical calculator
    It was the first device to be able to preform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication on its own.
  • Arithmometer

    The first adding machine, was not made avaible to the public til 1951
  • Push Button calculator

    Push Button calculator
    This was a big break through in calculators, on that we still use today.
  • Leibniz Wheel

    Leibniz Wheel
    Another mechanical calculator, it declined in use when people began the process of inventing the digital calculator
  • Pocket calculators

    Pocket calculators
    The first calculators were large machines, and not very portable, unlike our calculators.
  • Modern calculator

    Modern calculator
    Our calculators today are small, portable, and can preform many mathematical operations. Some can even graph.