Jan 1, 793
Vikings attack the monastery of Lindisfarne
One surviving contemporary record of the attack, an Anglo-Saxon scholar at the court. He heard about the attack on the monastery in his native Northumbria and wrote: 'Never before has such an atrocity been seen.' -
Period: Dec 1, 793 to Dec 31, 1066
History about vikings in England
Jan 1, 795
Vikings attack the monastery of Iona
Iona was attacked in 795 AD monks the used to live there were killed and of the rest fled to Ireland. They took with them the 'Book of Kells', which is one of the greatest treasures of Celtic art. -
Jan 1, 851
Athelstan, defeats a viking fleet
Athelstan, son of the king of Wessex, defeats a Viking fleet in battle -
Jan 1, 867
Viking army kills rival kings of Northumbria, capturing York
Osberht and Ælle, two rivals for the Northumbrian throne, were engaged in battle outside York when a Viking force arrived. -
Jan 1, 869
Edmund, is martyred by the Vikings
The Viking army that had captured York used the area as a stable base for deeper incursions into England -
Jan 1, 874
Vikings conquer the kingdom of Mercia
Jan 1, 886
Alfred, agrees a treaty with Vikings to divide England
the king Alfred he called up his troops and defeated the Viking king Guthrum. He later brought Guthrum and created a settlement that divided England -
Jan 1, 899
Alfred the Great of Wessex dies
Alfred the Great of Wessex dies and is succeeded by his son Edward the Elder. His kingdom was the only English realm that had preserved its independence from the Vikings. Under his son, Edward the Elder, the armies of Wessex began the conquest of the rest of England from the Vikings. -
Jan 1, 991
Byrhtnoth, the chief magistrate of Essex, dies fighting the Vikings.
Jan 6, 1066
Edward the Confessor dies and is succeed by Harold Godwinson
Harold, earl of Wessex, was crowned king of England on 6 January 1066, when he die, a king from England reigned -
Jan 6, 1066
3 claimants to the throne
-Vikings from North
-Anglo saxons from England
-Normands from Normandy Finally, the Normands reigned in Britain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLLYzSMB5RA