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History of Braces

  • Blandue

    In 1700, a French dentist named Pierre Fauchard invented the blandeau, which is a piece of iron that is shaped in the form of a horseshoe and used for expanding your mouth’s arch.
  • Dental Glue

    Dental Glue
    Dental glue works by creating resistance and retention when compressed, and some cements also form a chemical bond. It is used to glue on braces and other dental matrial o your teeth without ruining them.
  • Wire Crib

    Wire Crib
    In 1819, Christophe-Francois Delabarre was the first to use a wire crib, which was a semi-circular device that was placed directly on the teeth to straighten them.
    In 1843, Edward Maynard began using gum elastics connected to wires for the purpose of aligning the jaw.
  • Bands

    E.J. Tucker improved Maynard’s idea in 1850 by using rubber tubing instead of wire.
    In 1893, Henry A. Baker combined Delabarre’s wire crib with Tucker’s rubber tubing and devised his own method of aligning the teeth and jaw.
    In the early 1900s, dentists began using metal bands wrapped around individual teeth and tensioned together with wire.
    This application continued until the 1970s, when new adhesives allowed orthodontists to attach smaller brackets directly to the face each individual tooth.
  • Braces

    Braces were first started in the early 1800's
    Edward Angle was the one to invent brackets for braces.
    They are used to make your teeth strait.They are brackets that are bonded to the front of your teeth to help your smile. Edward Angle Is the Granfather of orthodontics.
  • Head Gear

    Head Gear
    Frank oneil inventd orthodonitic headgear in 1967. Orthidontic heagear is a medical headgear that is used to control growth of teeth and face bones.
  • Clear Braces

    Clear Braces
    Clear Braces werer first thought of in the 1970's they came out about 1986. Dr. craven kurz was the one to invent them because he became worried about his patients.
  • Invisalign

    Zia Chista was the inventor of Invisalgin. He invented them in 1997. They first became available to the public in 2000. Invisalign are made of smooth, clear plastic that is invisable. They are completly removable.You can take it out and floss your teeth and brush them. You can not do that with braces. You can keep doing the things you love without thinnking you will get hit in the head and have blood in your mouth.