
History Of Blood

  • Jan 16, 1200


    How a physician had discovered on how the blood flows to and also back the lungs
  • Period: Feb 22, 1200 to

    history of blood

  • Jan 10, 1553

    blood flow

    Spanish physician had suggested that blood flows from one side of the heart to the other lungs instead of the wall between the ventricles.
  • red blood cells

    A 21 year old Jan Swammerdam had discovered the red blood cells.
  • first blood transfusion in animals

    Richard Lower had performed its first transfussion on animals in England.
  • first animal transfusion

    Richard Lower had performed its first transfussion on animals in England.
  • Discovery and exploration

    Discovery and exploration
    The first known blood transfusions was made in the 17th century. They started off by using animal to animal and then animal to human and faluire rate was high.
  • the size of red blood cells

    The size of a red blood cell is 25,000 times then the size of a grain of sand
  • first human to human blood transfusion

    Philip Syng Physick was the first to do a human to human blood transfussion.
  • james blundell

    james blundell
    James Blundell does the first recorded human to human blood transfution. But the patient with internal bleeding of 14 ounces of blood that people donated.
  • observing blood cells

    Sir William Osler had observed that the small cell fragments from the bone marrow makes up the clots that are formed in the blood vessels.
  • 3 main Blood types

    3 main Blood types
    Karl Landsteiner dicovers and puts it in the paper that there are three main human blood groups - A, B, and C but then changes to O.
  • AB

    Landsteiner and others had identified a fourth blood group -- AB
  • Fourth blood type

    Fourth blood type
    Dr. Landsteiner identifies there is a fourth group of blood cells, AB -- and it causes agglutination in the red cells in both group A and B.
  • sodium

    Researchers discover that adding sodium citrate to blood will prevent it from clotting.
  • refrigerated blood

    Dr. Richard Weil had determined that citrated blood can be refrigerated and stored for a few days and then transfused.
  • blood donor service

    Percy Lane Oliver begins a blood donor service. Volunteers who are willing to donate are screened for disease, tested for blood types and their names are entered into a log so they can contact that person when a patient is in need of blood transfussion.
  • first blood transfusion

    Dr. Serge Yudin was the first to test transfusion humans with cadaver blood.
  • blood collecting

    Soviets were the first to collect and store blood for use in transfusions at hospitals.
  • Dr. serge yudin

    Dr. Serge Yudin was the first to test transfusion humans with cadaver blood.
  • spanish civil war

    Federico Duran-Jorda established the Barcalona service and collects blood, tests it later its under refigeration and soon transported to the hospital during the Spanish Civil War.
  • Rh

    Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener had discovered the Rh blood group, from experimenting with the red blood cells.
  • red cross war

    After Pearl Harbor the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army and Navy, the American Red Cross agreed to organize a civilian blood donor service to collect blood for war. The Red Cross had collected over 13 million units of blood.
  • Syndromo

    Dr. Bruce Evatt, a specialist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had suspected that the syndrome may be blood borne meaning a disease in the blood..
  • Aids

    Dr. Robert Gallo identified the virus that causes AIDS, which he now calls HTLV III
  • stop the virus

    The french governments had agreed to share credit from the sales of test kits for the virus and stopping it.