History of Biotechnology

  • Period: to

    History of Biotechnology

  • Birth of Biotechnology

    The 1980's was the decade in which biotechnology truely began to take off.
  • Human Genome Project

    The purpose of this Project was to decode the entire genetic sequence of humans. Other countries became involved as well, as did a private company that wanted to patent human genes. Due to a race to complete the sequence with public and not private funds and prevent human gene patenting, the code was completed in just twelve years.
  • The C. elegans Worm Genome Sequenced

  • Government Announces

    Government and private researchers announced the completed mapping the sequence of the human genome
  • Rice Genome

    Rice genome sequenced, the first food plant genome, which could help create nutrient rich rice to help feed people in developing countries.  
  • Puffer Fish

    Japanese puffer fish genome sequenced
  • Animal Genomes Sequenced

    Dog, chicken, laboratory rat, and chimpanzee genomes sequenced
  • Malaria Genome

    Malaria parasite genome sequenced, which is planned to lead to a better understanding of malaria and help scientists treat and prevent it.  
  • Other Animal Genomes sequenced

    Duckbilled platypus genome sequenced