
History of Biotechnology

  • 7000 BCE


    Chinese invented beer making
  • 4000 BCE


    Baked Bread, yogurt and cheese in Europe
  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Edward Jenner uses first viral vaccine to inoculate a child
  • Cholera vaccine

    Louis Pasteur develops vaccines against bacteria that cause cholera and anthrax in chickens.
  • Rabies vaccine

    Louis Pasteur and Emile Roux develop the first rabies vaccine and use it on Joseph Meister.
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming extracts penicillin from mould.
  • Agriculture

    Commercialization of hybrid corn
  • Penicillin

    Modified microbes mass-produced penicillin for the first time.
  • Synthetic antibiotic

    The first synthetic antibiotic is created.
  • Agriculture

    First insemination of livestock using frozen semen
  • First commercial myoelectric arm

    Developed by the Central Prosthetic Research Institute of the USSR, and distributed by the Hangar Limb Factory of the UK.
  • Gene therapy

    First gene therapy treatment is performed successfully on a young girl who suffered from an immune disorder.
  • Agriculture

    The FDA approves the first GM food: the "Flavr Savr" tomato.
  • Dolly the Sheep

  • Human Genome Sequenced

  • Bionic leg climbs Skyscraper

    Zac Vawter successfully uses a nervous system-controlled bionic leg to climb the Chicago Willis Tower.
  • Human Gene Editing

    The first time use of the CRISPR technology to edit human genes to treat cancer patients failed to treat the patient.