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History of Bilingual Education in the United States

  • Congress passes English requirement for naturalized citizenship.

    Congress passes English requirement for naturalized citizenship.
  • Del Rio Independent School District vs. Salvatierra

    Del Rio Independent School District vs. Salvatierra
    A Texas superior court finds that the Del Rio Independent school district cannot segregate Mexcian Students.
  • Mendezz vs. Westminster School District

    Mendezz vs. Westminster School District
    The U.S. Ninth District Court applies the 14th Amendment to schools, insisting schools must be open to all children.
  • The Civil Rights Act: Title VI

    The Civil Rights Act: Title VI
    Prohibits denial of equal access to education on the basis of race, color, national origin, or limited proficiency in English in the operation of federally assisted programs.
  • The Equal Education Opportunities Act

    The Equal Education Opportunities Act
    "No state shall deny equal educational opportunities to an individual on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.
  • Rio v. Read

    Rio v. Read
    A federal court rules that a binlingual program must include a cultural component.
  • Gomez v. Illionois State Board of Education

    State school boards can enforce state and federal compliance with EEAO regulations. Districts must properly serve students who are limited in English
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Federal funding is available to support schools in educating English learners.
  • Williams et al v. State of California et al.

    Williams et al v. State of California et al.
    California schools must provide equitable access to textbooks, facilities, and teaching staffs, including teachers of English Learners.