Foundation of Berea College
The year that Berea College was founded in Berea, KY. -
Berea College Farm
The year that the Berea College Farm was first started. It's primary purpose was to be a labor position for students to pay for their tution as well as to provide foood for the campus. -
1st Recorded Hog Production
The first time that hog production was mentioned in the Annual Farm Report. They were raised on the property that is currently where the Community School is located. -
125 hogs
The Annual Farm Report shows that BCF was producing 125 meat hogs per year. -
Hunt Acres Purchased
200 acres of the Joe Johnson farm (now known as Hunt Acres) were purchsed for $15,000. The money was donated by O.E. Hunt of Michigan. -
Move to Hunt Acres
Bob Johnstone from NC State became the Department Chair. He moved the hogs to Hunt Acres from where the Community School is currently located. When at Hunt Acres they were raising in a confinement system, before then the method of management is unknown. -
Transition Year
The transistion from confinement raised pigs to pastured pork began with gestatin some sows outside while sitll using the farrowing house. -
All Pastured
The transistion from being a confinement system to a pasture pork operation was completed. -
AWA Certified
The first year that BCF recieved Animal Welfare Approved certification for its management practices of the pigs.