History of Autism

By karades
  • Common behaviors

    Common behaviors
    Psychiatrist Leo Kanner, publishes a paper describing 11 children who were highly intelligent but displayed "a powerful desire for aloneness and sameness." He later names their condition early infantile autism.
  • First definition of Asperger's Syndrome

    First definition of Asperger's Syndrome
    The first public definition of Asperger’s Syndrome written by Hans Asperger who noted four boys with similarities in behaviors; a lack of interest in social interaction, intense absorption in a special interest, very intelligent and clumsy movements.
  • Refridgerator Mothers & Autism

    Refridgerator Mothers & Autism
    Psy­cho­lo­gist Bruno Bettel­heim pop­ular­izes the the­ory that “re­fri­ger­at­or moth­ers” cause Autism through their lack of love they provide to their children.
  • Making Strides!

    Making Strides!
    Studies on sets of twins were done and findings concluded Autism was caused by genetics and biological differences in brain development; not lack of love from their mother.
  • DSM

    The DSM lists "Infantile Autism" for the first time. This is the first time Autism stands alone as its' own diagnosis.
  • DSM Change

    DSM Change
    Seven years later the original listing of "Infantile Autism" is changed to "Autism Disorder". This listing expanded on the characteristics found in a child with Autism and added a few.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis

    Applied Behavior Analysis
    Dr. Ivar Lovaas, known today as the father of ABA, conducted a study with sixty children with Autism. He found that intense therapy can help children with Autism learn and work towards independence.
  • Autism hits the big screen!

    Autism hits the big screen!
    The movie "Rain Man" releases and raises Autism awareness to the public however, it was slightly misleading because not every child with Autism can calculate very complex math problems in their head.
  • IDEA 1990

    IDEA 1990
    The federal government makes Autism fall officially under the special education umbrella via IDEA 1990. Students can now be identified through their IEP and therefore can receive services for being classified as a student with Autism.
  • Asperger's Syndrome

    Asperger's Syndrome
    Asperger's Syndrome is added to the DSM. This expands what Autism is and starts the wording "spectrum". Adding Asperger's to DSM shows that some individuals can be high functioning. This is named after Hans Asperger who helped launch the studies of high functioning and extremely intelligent individuals with Autism.
  • Vaccines

    Thimerosal was removed from vaccines due to public fears that it causes Autism. Even though the this theory was disproven the public still had speculation and was refusing to get their children vaccinated. VACCINES DON'T CAUSE AUTISM!
  • Autism Speaks

    Autism Speaks
    The forum and largest advocacy group is created. Many families, professionals, and parents turn to this website for help and resources.
  • Centers for Disease Control

    Centers for Disease Control
    The U.S CDC shows an increase in Autism diagnosis's but states it is largely due to more efforts to identify the disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Autism Spectrum Disorder is the final listing in the DSM-5 that encompasses all the previous listings. Asperger's Syndrome is no longer a disorder.