Jan 1, 1500
Code of Symbols - Italy
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup4.htmlGeronimo Cardano of Padua, Italy, attempts to teach his deaf son using a code of symbols, believing that the deaf can be taught written symbolic language -
Sign Language alphabet- Spain
http://www.deafedge.com/who-invented-sign-language.htmlAn pioneer of sign language, he was the secretary of the wealthy family that had a deaf child. -
Created Signs 1690-1880
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup5.htmlDuring this period, the Vineyard develops its own form of sign language -
Period: to
Martha's Vineyard - United States
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup5.htmlDuring this period, the Vineyard develops its own form of sign language -
Standard Signs and Fingerspelling - France
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup6.htmlsystem of standardized signs and finger spelling -
ASL was formerly known as Old American Sign Language
General Institution for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Children - France
http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/library-rnid/files/2014/06/Edgbaston.jpgEstablished in 1812, it was the first provincial institution founded in England. The school opened in 1814 -
Introduction of Deaf Education
Visible Speech -1870's
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup10.htmlNow a defunct teaching method for the deaf called "visible speech," Alexander Graham Bell begins his career as a deaf educator. In 1872, he opens a school in Boston that concentrates on oral methods of instruction for teachers of the deaf. -
Rochester Method
Oral-based manual communications systems
http://deaffriendly.com/articles/flashback-oral-method-in-deaf-institutes-post-milan-1880/Use of manual communications systems decreased by 75 percent. -
First U.S. Deaf School for the Deaf
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=first%20US%20SChool%20for%20deaf&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=first%20us%20school%20for%20deaf&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=A1CDB26EBE24DC74CD7FFBB0F2AA90C5DA558AA8&selectedIndex=20Gallaudet and Clerc's school, which is now known as the American School for the Deaf, was established in Hartford, Connecticut in 1817 as the first public free deaf school in the U.S. -
SEE I - 1960's - 1970's
Total Communications - 1970's
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/soundandfury/culture/dhpop/popup17.htmlTotal Communication, a combination of manual and speech-based instruction for the deaf. -
SEE 2 - 1970's
LOVE - 1971
http://www.deafed.net/PublishedDocs/sub/tsld042.htmhttp://www.deafed.net/PublishedDocs/sub/tsld042.htm•Created in 1971 by Dennis Wampler
•Intended for use with preschoolers and kindergartners
•Based upon 2000 morphemes with approx.. 10,000 meanings
•L.O.V.E. signs are intended to represent morphemes
•Drew from ASL as much as possible -
CASE - Date Unknown
http://www.aslaccess.org/whatissignlanguage.htm Users of CASE will choose a sign on the basis of its meaning in ASL, rather than on the basis of its sound or spelling in English. -
ASL 1960-current
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=%20ASL%20family&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=asl%20family&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=D4744696B58C3D17BF582D3D34F4A1829B214920&selectedIndex=1There are 5 components to a sign:
1. Handshape 2. Palm Orientation 3. Location 4. Movement 5. Nonmanual features or signals (involves movements of the head, mouth, or eyebrows)