1950 The first electric typewriter was sold.
The first electric typewriter was sold. Image was retrieved from Wikimedia common (n.d.) -
Section 504
Section 504 had an impact on Assistive Technology by allowing all individuals with physical and health issues to be included in having access to public buildings and transportation if the orgaization received federal funds. Image retrieved from: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UCxJKJZx4Ag/Twy2HE748SI/AAAAAAAAA70/5shjpoxDrUY/s1600/autmaticdoors.jpg -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The American's with Disabilities Act was more important to people with disabilities as it called for prevention of discrimination in public places, education, etc. It was significant to Assistive technology as "auxiliary aids and services" being provided for accessability is usually considered as AT. -
Reautorization of IDEA
retrieced from >http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/Policy/IDEA/index.html</a>
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reautorized to include assistive technology if considered necessary by the Individual Education Plan Team. -
IDEA 2004 Defines Assistive Technology
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reautorized again to give a better definition of assistive technology, insure training of all involved and guarentee services.