Chinese immigration 0

History of Asian people in America

  • Period: to

    Gold rush

  • Great wave of Chinese emigrating to America

    Great wave of Chinese emigrating to America
    Attracted to this country that they nickname "The golden mountain", many Chinese chose to leave their country and families to try to strike it rich in America. (date not exact)
  • Period: to

    Economical Development

    Chinese workers settle themselves in towns and become more and more numerous
  • Development of many Chinatowns

    Development of many Chinatowns
    Chinese people, recreate their country in neighborhoods known as "Chinatowns". (date not exact)
  • Chinese laborer called "cheap Chinese labor"

    Chinese laborer called "cheap Chinese labor"
    (date not exact)
  • Ending of transcontinental railroad construction

    Ending of transcontinental railroad construction
    After contributing to the Gold Rush, the Chinese community in America achieve their first contribution to the American history after helping to construct this first transcontinental railroad.
  • Period: to

    Yellow Peril

  • Begining of the Chinese discrimination

    Begining of the Chinese discrimination
    American people start to feel invaded by Chinese people and racism appears all over the country. (date not exact)
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The American government creates an act that forbids any Chinese immigration, preventing families to reunite and other people to come
  • Renewal of the Chinese Exclusion Act

    The former act, made to last 10 years, is made permanent after being renewed in 1892. Chinese people are also forced to live in the same street or camp. (date not exact)
  • Period: to

    Second World War

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese army bombs the American base of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, making the USA enter in the war.
  • Presidential Proclamation against Asians

    Presidential Proclamation against Asians
    President T. Roosevelt orders Asian people to be "relocated" in camps close to concentration camps because they look like those who bombed Pearl Harbor. (date not exact)
  • Magnus act

    Magnus act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1902 and the Presidential Proclamation of 1942 are repealed; Chinese people are finally equal to the American citizens.