Alan Turing writes the book which shows that a device can do any calculation
Checkers Game Invented
Arthur Samuel invented a checkers game that learns from its own mistakes -
Albert Weiner writes a book which suggest that if we create a artificial brain we can learn more about our own -
Turing Test
Alan Turing develops the turing test which shows how smart a robot is. -
The 'Tortoise'
The Tortoise (by w. grey walter) moves until its out of charge and goes back to his charging dock -
The term Artificial Intelligence was created by John McCarthy -
LISP Becomes the most used AI language -
Effective but Dangerous
Dr Norbert Weiner suggests that if robots were able to think like humans. it would be effective and dangerous -
Checkers wins
Samuel Gets beaten by his own checkers playing program while others develop game playing theory. -
Dr Frank Rosenblatt suggests perceptrons -
Dr Weizenbaum of MIT Develops ELIZA
Yes or NO
Fuzzy logic by zadels states that yes or no wiil not always suffice -
Work begins on the first expert system -
Perceptons are proven to be impossible -
Brick World
SHRUDLU IS invented. it is a virtual brick world -
PROLOG iS Developed -
Computer Doctor
MYCIN is made to diagnose diseases -
Speech recignition is introduced -
sheep shearing robot
A sheep sheering robot is introduced known as shear magic -
BKG 9.8
BKG 9.8 Defeats the backgammon Champion -
Japan decide to put a core computer in every home -
Q & A
a natural language computer is introduced -
Problem Solving
Solving problems with pattern matching evolves -
US military and ai
US military use AI based technology in missiles and jet fighters -
voice recognition
Voice and character recognition in home computers -
ALICE, an open source NL AI chat robot, wins the loebner prize for the turing test -