History of Art

  • 15,000 BCE

    Lascaux Caves

    Lascaux Caves
    Lascaux is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac, in the department of Dordogne in southwestern France. Uses pictographs, first example of visual communication.
  • 105

    Ts’ai Lun

    Ts’ai Lun
    He was the inventor of paper. We dye paper because of his creation.
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenburg and the Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenburg and the Printing Press
    He was the youngest son in his family. In 1440 he unveiled the printing press.
  • Victorian

    Developed in 1837. People decorated the interiors of homes with patterns and other things. Aniline colors were created as well.
  • Chromolithography

    Unique method for making prints with multiple colors. It showed people could use colors to bring liveliness to art.
  • Arts and Crafts Movement

    Arts and Crafts Movement
    19th century aesthetic design. It began in Britain and became an American style.
  • Art Nouveau

    Art Nouveau
    Includes long, sinuous, organic lines. 1890-1910 during the industrial revolution.
  • Futurism

    Italian movement dealing with new philosophy and technology. It includes blurred and repeated lines.
  • Vienna Workshop

    Vienna Workshop
    Used in capital buildings. It was colorful and cartoony.
  • Early Modern

    Early Modern
    Art style that included a rejection of history, conservative values, and a unique style. Big names include Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo.
  • Heroic Realism

    Heroic Realism
    Encouraged people to do something. Uplifting people in war and included bright colors.
  • Bauhaus

    Created a school for the style. Made in 1919 and big names included Walter Gropius and Paul Klee.
  • Constructivism

    Created in 1915. Russian form which aimed to reflect modern industrial society.
  • Art Deco

    Art Deco
    Originated in Paris. Took inspiration from cubism and other forms. Reaction To flowing styles.
  • Swiss

    Asymmetrical layouts, uses photos instead of illustrations, impacts architecture.
  • Jackson Pollock

    Jackson Pollock
    Born in Wyoming. Enrolled in manual arts in LA. Spent his adult life in New York where he formed abstract expressionism.
  • Late Modern

    Late Modern
    Very reductive and functionalist art style.
  • Paul Rand

    Paul Rand
    Born in Brooklyn. He was always interested in design and painting. He made the ABC, UPS, and AMG logo.
  • Pop Art

    Pop Art
    Pop Art emerged in the 1950s in America and Britain. Richard Hamilton was also known as the father of pop Art.
  • Leroy Winbush

    Leroy Winbush
    He was born in Memphis and created many ads in his career as an artist in the 1960s.
  • Psychedelic

    A style that is quite overwhelming to the human eye and is rich in detail.
  • Post modern

    Post modern
    Style of art that harps on skepticism and subjectivism.
  • Grunge

    Damaged or unfinished. Nirvana and Pear Jam used this type of style on their album covers.
  • Flat

    Clear and visual style. It is bold and pays close attention to details.
  • Cinemagraph

    Still image with movement involved. Similar to a gif. Opened up an entire new way of advertising.