History of Art by Juli Quinteros

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Beginning of art

  • Pre-Historic

    Humans have been drawing since the beginning of time. The earliest drawing have been dated 1800-1500BCE, some this pieces of art have been found in cave walls of Altamira, Spain and Luscaux
  • Ancient Egypt

    The early Egyptians also decorated the walls of the their temples and tombs. These were carved scenes their daily life, hieroglyphics and religious deties, or gods. There is also drawings in papyrus with ink.
  • Ancient Greece

    The ancient greeks would decorative in pottery, mostly scenes of myths and scenes of battles
  • Middel Ages

    Through the this peirod in the middle ages the art were mostly produced primarily to express the religious messages and stories from the Bible, Mostly drawn by Monks.
  • Renaissance

    The art that we recognize today is from the Renaissance. Art in that period was mostly all form of art, painting,sculpture, or architecture. this help to creat alot of the artistic places in Italy.
  • Baroque Period

    In the Baroque time I would say important time for some artist because in this time there was an introduction to a new style of drawing that included livelier forms with flowing lines. Also some artist started to use water color and ink washes One leadin artist that began to use these new techniques was Peter Paul Rubens, he useed a new technique in which the piece of art seems to burst of the canvas itself
  • Baroque Period cout.

    There was another artist, Rembrandt van Rijn, who had the ability to draw, form, movement, and emotion with only few lines.
  • !9th and 20th centuries

    In this time there has been alot of movements for, Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, Fauvism and otherr movement. By this time the majority of the artist preferred the pencil for a drawing tool. In this era is where all the Artist with its art revolutionised to good to great.