History of Anime

  • Katsudō Shashin

    Katsudō Shashin
    This is the very first anime that dates back from 1907. The creator is from Japan, but unknown.
  • The Dance of the Chagamas

    The Dance of the Chagamas
    The first anime using only cel animation.
  • Mitsuyo Seo's Momotaro's Sea Eagles

    Mitsuyo Seo's Momotaro's Sea Eagles
    Created during the war, made to raise Japanese spirit. Commissioned from the military
  • Hakujaden

    Toei Animation created the first color anime feature film.
  • Three Tales

    Three Tales
    The first anime broadcast in america.
  • Astro Boy

    Astro Boy
    A major anime that was very influential to upcoming animes. It was about robots and space.
  • 1970's

    During the 1970's anime market shrank because of competition. Many companies went bankrupt and Japanese people lost jobs.
  • 1980's

    During this time space operas also became popular because of the success of "Star Wars"
  • Dragon Ball

    Dragon Ball
    Because of the mass success of Dragon Ball, many other martial art based animations were inspired.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    A controversial anime that was brought to the public and revived the slowly declining anime genre.
  • Ghost in the Shell

    Ghost in the Shell
    The 1990's were also a time of cyberpunk, drawing influence from "The Matrix". Most notably Ghost in the Shell, which was met with success.
  • Death Note

    Death Note
    By the 2000's anime was a national phenomenon. There was a set fan base all over the world that loved and awaited for Japanese movies and series to move over to their country. Death Note is one of the most popular anime worldwide.
  • Crunchyroll

    With anime blowing up in North America and other parts of the world, Crunchyroll was created so people across the world can watch all Japanese anime using this website.
  • Attack on Titan

    Attack on Titan
    Possibly one of the most popular anime still running to this day. American fans await season 3 coming in 2018.
  • Death Note (Netflix)

    Death Note (Netflix)
    Recently the hit anime phenomenon "Death Note" was adapted into a live action Netflix movie. Again, the general audience did not connect with this movie, and the old fans of the anime did not appreciate the changes such as the american setting as opposed to the traditional Japanese setting.
  • Ghost in the Shell (Movie)

    Ghost in the Shell (Movie)
    The popular anime "Ghost in the Shell" from the 1990's was revamped into a Hollywood blockbuster featuring star Scarlett Johansson. The film was not met with great response, because it did not connect with a wide audience.