history of animation

  • The magic lantern created by Giovanni Fontana

    The magic lantern created  by Giovanni Fontana
    early predecessor of the modern day projector. It consisted of a translucent oil painting, a simple lens and a candle or oil lamp. In a darkened room, the image would appear projected onto an adjacent flat surface.
    early predecessor of the modern day projector. It consisted of a translucent oil painting, a simple lens and a candle or oil lamp. In a darkened room, the image would appear projected onto an adjacent flat surface.
  • Thaumatrope credited by Sir John Herschel,

    Thaumatrope credited by  Sir John Herschel,
    A disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to blend into one to the persistence of vision.
  • Phenakistoscope invented by Joseph Plateau

    Phenakistoscope invented by  Joseph Plateau
    consists of a disk with a series of images, drawn on radii evenly spaced around the center of the disk. Slots are cut out of the disk on the same radii as the drawings, but at a different distance from the center.
  • Zoetrope concept suggested by by William George Horner,

    Zoetrope concept suggested by by William George Horner,
    It was a cylindrical spinning device with alot frames of animation printed on a paper strip placed around the interior circumference.
  • Flip book created by John Barnes Linnett

    Flip book created by John Barnes Linnett
    a small book with relatively springy pages, each having one in a series of animation images located near its unbound edge.
  • Praxinoscope created by Charles-Émile Reynaud,

    Praxinoscope created by Charles-Émile Reynaud,
    first known animated projection on a screen was created
  • cinematograph invented by Léon Bouly

    cinematograph invented by  Léon Bouly
    a motion picture film camera, which also serves as a film projector and printer.
  • Beginning of Silent Era

    Beginning of Silent Era
    silent movies were being created by various. No sound or dialouge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_film
  • first ever animated film created by James Stuart Blackton

    first ever animated film created by  James Stuart Blackton
    Humorous Phases of Funny Faces was the name of the movie.