History of Animation

  • Thaumatrope

    Created by Charles Babbage, Peter Roget, and John Aryton Paris. The thaumatrope is a round disk, which has 2 pieces of string attached to its side. The disk has images on each side of it. As the strings twist, the images move rapidly, which creates a illusion of motion.
  • Flip Book

    Flip Book
    The flip book, also known as a Kineograph, was created by John Barnes Linnett. They were the first form of animatino to use a linear format instead of circular. They are books that contain many images, and each page looks somewhat different than the image before it. As you flip the book quickly, the image has the allusion of moving.
  • Stop Motion

    Stop Motion
    Stop Motion is very frequent with animation. It happens when a person takes a picture and then moves the image and takes another picture. This process is repeated. After taking multiple pictures, and watching them quickly, the allusion appears that something is moving. One of the first examples this was used in was The Humpty Dumpty Circus.
  • Computer Animation

    Computer Animation
    Computer Animation is the most recent and most commonly used form of animation today. These animations enable 2D and 3D images. CGI, Computer generated imagery, is how most of this work is completed. The first film that used this was "Westworld" in 1973.
  • The Zoetrope

    The Zoetrope
    As animations first form, the Zoetrope was found in China in 180AD. Inventor Ting Huan came up with this form, which is made of translucent paper. Once the translucent paper is painted, it's hung over a lamp and rising air vanes at the top of the painting appear to be moving to the right. William George Horner expanded on the Zoetrope in 1834.
  • Period: to

    History of Animation