2nd rebellion agaisnt the Romans- 132-135 CE
The Jews were once again defeated. This was significant because now all the towns were destroyed and the Jews were forbidden from practicing Judaism. -
Hasmonean Family- 164 BCE
Three sects of jews formed under Hasmonean rule. This was significant because it caused a civil war to break out which would later lead to being taken over. -
Maccabees- 164 BCE
They led the Maccabean rebellion which was a revoolt led by the Hasmon family of priests. This was significant because it established an indepenedent nation of Israel. -
Antiochus IV- 175-164 BCE
Antiochus tried to force a single helenistic culture on his people by burning the Torah and killing Jewsih families. This was significant because it led to a revolt by the Jews later on. -
The Greeks- 300-400 BCE
The greeks and hellenism influenced some of the Jews to a attitude of scepticism. This is significant because it created conflict within the Jewsish faith. -
Ezra- 430 BCE
Ezra lead the priestly class and revised the stories of the poeple and tried to reveal the hand of God. This is significant because it established the precedent of reading the Torah scrolls and made it a sacred covenant. -
Persians- 515 BCE
The Persian king, Cyrus, allowed a small group of devoted Jews to return to Jerusalem and he ordered the temple be rebuilt. This is significant because the Jews had a central symbol. -
Sep 27, 722
Assyrians- 722 BCE
Assyria took over the rest of the corrupt kingdom of Israel. They then dispersed and exiled the Israelites and these people became known as the ten lost tribes of israel. This is siginificant because the people lost a distinct ehtnic identity. -
Jan 1, 1000
King David- 1000 BCE
King David is remembered as israel's greatest king. He defeated and made alliances with the surrounding nations to create a secure and prosperous israelite Empire. He then made Jerusalem its capital and brought the ark of the covenant there. This made Jerusalem a very holy city. -
Romans- 63 BCE
The Roman general Pompey was called in to choose a new king, but he instead took over. This is significant because it opressed the Jews and led to a beleif in a Messiah. -
Messiah- 0-63 BCE
The oppressed Jews began to beleive that a savior would come and rescue them from their sufferings. This was significant because it led some to the beleive that Jesus was the messiah. -
1st Rebellion against the Romans 66 CE
The anti-roman forces called Zealots, rose up agaisnt the Roman forces but were severly defeated. This was significant because it resulted in the temple in Jerusalem being destroyed. -
King Soloman 961 BCE
He built a temple for the Ark of the Covenant and the people of Jerusalem made many sacrifices. God appeared to Solomon on the 14th day and pledged that he would be there forever. solomon built altars to the Gods of his wives and angered God so that he divided the nation of Israel into the kingdom of Israel and Judah. This is significant because Israel was now divided. -
Babylonians- 586 BCE
The babylonians took over Judah and destroyed Jerusalem. The Judah people became known as Jews and were exiled. This is significant because the temple of God was destroyed and the Jews were now called Jews.