State Board of Education
Horace Mann had the idea to create the first State Board of Education. This is a pivotal movement because the purpose was to create a common school where money and status did not decide the type of education received. Creating the public-school system in America shows our value of academics and preparing young people to think, reason, and make change in the world we reside in. The public-school system opened doors for any willing learner to achieve their goals and purpose in our society. -
NEA-Committe of Ten and Fifteen
The creation of these two committees helped to systemically combine curriculum for high school and secondary school. This is important because it provides a consistent standard for all schools to abide by. Furthermore, this consistency provides a solid foundation for all student learning to build upon and helps to ensure all students can obtain similar knowledge no matter where they are in the world. -
Compulsory Attendance Laws
This law required students to attend school instead of being forced into the work force. This may have been a debated topic in the 1910 through 1940, however the requirement of all children to attend formal education has positively influenced the knowledge of society members. This requirement has helped shape individuals into functioning, world changing people. Without this law today I believe we would be living in a low functioning and unethical society. -
Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
The decision by the supreme court in this case had an enormous effect on education for all Americans because it allowed all children an equivalent opportunity to learn and grow. This was not immediate, but over time broadening the scope of education provided quality opportunities for individuals to grow to be successful participants in society. Today we experience the success of this movement by the collaboration without segregation between all educated successful members of society. -
Special Education
In 1958 teachers, could obtain training for education of special needs children. In the 1970’s special needs children were beginning to be allowed in traditional classrooms. This epic change helped to further deter discrimination of society members. Also, it provided quality education for students. This “free” but “appropriate” education has benefited special needs students as well as, their peers who can learn to show respect and empathy to those who may struggle in the learning environment.