The first permanent English settlement in North America is established. -
The Massachusetts Law
The Massachusetts Law of 1647, also known as the Satan Act, is passed. It is that every town of at least 50 families hire a schoolmaster to teach the town's children to read and wrrite -
English Academy
Benjamin Franklin helps establish the first English Academy in Philadelphia that is both classical and modern. Including courses of history, geography, navigation, surveying and languages. -
James Pillans invents the modern blackboard. -
Attendance Law
Massachusetts enacts the first mandatory attendance law. -
The Association of American Universities is founded to promote higher standards and put U.S universities on the same footing as their European counterparts. -
HIgher Education Act
The Higher Education Act is again amended, expanding education for lower and middle income students. -
First library
The first publicly supported library in the U.S is established in Charles town.