Alpha Xi Delta was founded
Founded at Lombard College -
The Quill Badges were ready
Songbook Created
The first songbook for the fraternity was officially created. -
Joined the National Panhell
Alpha Xi Delta joined the National Panhellenic Conference -
Cora Bollinger elected First National President
By the end of 1929 there were 22 Chapters Installed
Alpha Xi Delta's 50th Anniversary Celebrated
Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Established
Alpha Xi Delta's 75th Anniversary
BetXi Bear Mascot Introduced
Inspiring Woman to Realize Their Potential adopted as Fraternity's vision
Alpha Xi Delta founded at Wingate University
Called the Iota Zeta Chapter -
Alpha Xi Delta adopts Autism Speaks as new National Philanthropy
Emily Andrew becomes Alpha Xi Delta - Iota Zetas President